Native Plant Garden
Native Plant Garden – Clark Reservation State Park
The Native Plant Garden showcases almost 60 of the 300+ native plant species found at Clark Reservation. The “glade” area (near the water fountain) contains plants typical of the shady, moist woodlands at Clark Reservation; the "meadow” area includes plant species that are normally found at the forest’s edge and in open areas.
Native plants are crucial components of a healthy balanced habitat. Most insects that eat plants (and this includes most butterfly larvae (i.e., caterpillars)) cannot eat plants that they did not evolve with. This is part of the reason that insect numbers are declining drastically worldwide.
Consider planting native plants in your home garden; every little bit helps!

The Native Plant garden was originally the idea of Janet Allen, president of Habitat Gardening of Central New York. She and a group of volunteers created this garden in 2006 to show how native plants can be used in home gardens.
Plants by Bloom Season

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